AGHS Pirate Counseling
I'm in high what?
Now that you are in high school, it is important to start thinking about the future. Begin building your high school resume by joining clubs and playing sports. Make sure you leave enough time for homework and focusing on your grades as well. Take advantage of your advisory time to meet with teachers for extra homework help if you find yourself struggling in a class.
Begin thinking about the A+ program!
During your freshman year, you will begin receiving information about the A+ program. The A+ Schools Program is a comprehensive program of curricular, instructional, and technological developments and improvements designed to better meet the needs of all students, regardless of whether they plan to attend a traditional four-year college, community college, a vocational or technical school, or plan to seek employment immediately out of high school.
Your role as a freshman: get the A+ agreement form signed and turned in!
For more information on the A+ program click on the links on the left side of this page.
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